Andrea Sposini Chef

Andrea Sposini ©

Elevating Culinary Artistry Worldwide with Italian Flair. Currently, I am in Cologne, Germany, where I work as an Italian chef for restaurants throughout the German territory. About Me They have always said this about me: I curate and produce culinary events, menus, and training programs that pave the way for personal and professional empowerment through the art of living well and exquisite cooking. Consultancy Services My work extends across Italy and internationally. I serve restaurants, hotels, patisseries, trattorias, and wine shops globally, supporting new ventures and enhancing the competitiveness of established enterprises. I train chefs and dining staff, and teach at Italian culinary schools, also developing their curricula. Since 2000, I have consulted in numerous cities, including Milano, San Francisco, New York, New Delhi, Kansas City, and Berlin. I Offer the Following Services Study, planning, and start-up of new restaurants Restyling of existing restaurants, both architecturally and menu-wise On-site and remote assistance to restaurants in developing processes and protocols to ensure a distinct brand personality. Menu development with a particular focus on food and wine pairing. Creating menus with innovative combinations for both classic Italian cuisine and a more modern, creative approach. Training in advanced Italian culinary techniques for professional chefs Italian cooking classes and the creation of teaching plans for Italian professional cooking schools, both in Italy and abroad. Corporate cooking lessons for team-building activities Elevate your culinary experience with a touch of Italian excellence.

Uva spina appena raccolta


Antiossidanti del mese.. Per macedonie e non solo..
Buona settimana .

“Le foglie hanno forti proprietà astringenti, diuretiche e reumatiche, e vengono utilizzate sia fresche che secche. Le modalità di raccolta delle varie parti della pianta sono diverse a seconda degli scopi per i quali questa venga utilizzata. Di solito i frutti dell’uva spina si colgono ben maturi e possono essere mangiati freschi, anche nelle macedonie, o in marmellata. Il loro sapore è aspro, fortemente acidulo, ma ricco di proprietà antiossidanti, vitamina C, zuccheri, vitamina P, cloro, fosforo, potassio, sodio, magnesio, acido malico, pectina, calcio, e flavonoidi. Contengono inoltre i pigmenti antociani, dei vaso protettori stimolanti della vista. Questo frutto viene raccomandato, insieme alla varietà del ribes rosso e nero, per chi ha grossi problemi agli occhi, sia alla vista che alla retina.”